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03-03-23 Cabin Fever Got You Restless to Move?

It’s easy to feel restless in March, when you feel spring coming and it’s not quite here yet. Many of us are tired of being cooped up in our homes all winter and are looking for a change! Maybe cabin fever has you looking at your home differently and you’re realizing it’s time to move. In this episode of Life’s Inside Track with the Dekker Team, we’ll examine how to know when it’s time to sell and what to consider as you prepare to “jump ship.” Join Ken and Yetta as we learn three key questions that will set you on course for a smooth buying, selling, and investing experience.
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02-24-23 Connecting With Our Community

Do you recall a time when you made an instant connection with someone? It may have felt like you became immediate friends. You just seemed to “get” each other. If only all our relationships with people in our community could begin so easily! In this episode of Life’s Inside Track with the Dekker Team, we’ll examine how to connect with those around you, whether personally or professionally. Join Ken and Yetta as we learn the principles behind building meaningful communities that make us all stronger together.
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02-17-23 All Aboard the Investment Train!

Did you know journeying to wealth is like hopping on a train? So many of us feel we have to be holding the golden ticket of guaranteed success in order to have the confidence to climb on. Happily, as we’ll discover, confidence is not the place to start! In this episode of Life’s Inside Track with the Dekker Team, we’ll examine the 4 C’s needed for a successful trip on the real estate investment train. Join Ken and Yetta as we learn significant strategies to build each on our journey to wealth.
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02-10-23 Tired of Fighting the To-Do Monster?

Are you tired of living with more tasks than you have time to complete? It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when there is so much to accomplish and not enough energy or space to do all of it. Or even half of it! In this episode of Life’s Inside Track with the Dekker Team, we’ll consider what causes us to enter a state of overwhelm and how to get out of it. Join Ken and Yetta as we learn how you can prioritize your life to make space for what is most important to you.
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02-03-23 Don’t Hide the Ace in Your Pocket!

How logical would it be if you were playing poker and you hid your ace in your pocket? Believe it or not, many homeowners are doing this without even realizing it. Or they are doing it on purpose assuming it is the most responsible course of action! Join Ken and Yetta as we examine the ace in their pocket every homeowner can access with simple steps. Watch this episode to learn how to make the most of what you have.
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