Family Radio CHRI

Do You Believe I Am God or Not?

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We say we have faith, but do we live that way? Facing the challenges of daily life, we hold fast to the hope of a joy-filled heaven as we cling to Jesus' promises. But to do this, we must fully trust God. Replay Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with local author, Carolyn Cheer.

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Book Description:

We say we have faith, but do we live that way? Facing the challenges of daily life, we hold fast to the hope of a joy-filled heaven as we cling to Jesus' promises. But to do this, we must fully trust God. Simple but complicated, right? Trust comes from faith, believing in who God says He is and trusting He will do what He says He will do.

Are you ready to strengthen your confidence in the promises of God? Over the next 21 days, learn how faith protects you when life situations test you. This study guides you to invite the Lord each day to search your heart. I've included journal prompts to help you uncover hidden stumbling blocks that thwart you from living fully in His peace and joy.

Are you ready to drop your anchor deeper into His promises while you wait for the Hope yet to come? Join me on a journey that will reveal more about this hope we have as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure (Hebrews 6:19).

About the Author:

Carolyn Cheer is a wife and mother of 4. She lives with intention, purpose, and a desire to share her love of Jesus with others. Her thrilling journey as a writer and presenter began when God strengthened her faith and restored her confidence after a lifelong struggle with broken self-esteem and ADD. Discovering her treasure chest of giftings has given her the ability to encourage others to trust God and to uncover His purposes for them. 



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