Family Radio CHRI

Jesus Centered

jesuscentered 330Our world is full of distractions and influences that take our eyes and hearts off of the one who matters most. How can you learn live a Jesus centered life in a distracted world? Replay Brock's non-fiction Wednesday Bookmark interview with Steve A. Brown.

Purchase Jesus Centered: Focusing on Jesus in a Distracted World, here.

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Book Description: Through personal stories, biblical insights, and practical strategies, Jesus Centered will equip you to: Be led more by Jesus; Live and lead more like Jesus; Lead more to Jesus. Jesus Centered will help you be captivated afresh by Jesus and center your life and leadership on the One who matters the most.

About the Author: Dr. Steve Brown develops Jesus-centered leaders as president of Arrow Leadership, a ministry focused on developing leaders who are led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus and lead more to Jesus. Over the last two decades he has spent thousands of hours alongside hundreds of Christian leaders leveraging his leadership experience from serving in local church, denominational, parachurch and marketplace roles.

His passion is to equip leaders to cultivate spiritual vibrancy, develop healthy and holy character, grow deep relationships and leverage their leadership for maximum impact.

Steve earned degrees from Wilfrid Laurier University (HBBA), Tyndale Seminary (MDiv) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (DMin) and had a life changing experience as a participant in the Arrow Leadership Program™.

Steve is based near Vancouver on Canada’s west coast and loves spending life with his wife Lea and teens Luke, Ainslea and Lauren. He enjoys family time, the outdoors and running.


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