Let's Talk Money
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11-18-22 Values and Financial Choices with MTE Coach Natalie Rowe
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- Category: Let’s Talk Money with Dave and Reb
- Published: Friday, 18 November 2022 09:00
What do you value? And how do those values directly impact your financial choices and decisions? On today’s “Let’s Talk Money with Dave and Reb”, More Than Enough Financial (MTE) Coach Natalie Rowe discusses these questions and more with the podcast co-hosts. In her years as a coach, she has seen patterns that reveal how personal values act as “command centres” for every day life. As Natalie says, “they send directives to our habits to do this or that.” Today’s discussion outlines how identifying values, reviewing bills and expenses, and then comparing and aligning those values with spending choices is a great part of creating a financially healthy plan for your life. Today's show is sponsored by More Than Enough Financial - a financial coaching, tax, and mortgage company empowering people to effectively manage their finances, while finding hope and financial freedom one day at a time. To order Reb's e-book, audio book, or soft-cover copy of Cultivating Trust: Finding God's Hope and Freedom for Your Finances, go to morethanenoughbooks.com. Or to order Natalie Rowe’s book S.E.T. Proceed and Succeed in Your Career, go to amazon.ca. You can book an appointment with Natalie by calling the MTE office at 613-520-4157.
11-11-22 Financial Dates - Part 2
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- Category: Let’s Talk Money with Dave and Reb
- Published: Friday, 11 November 2022 09:00
Looking at two well-known Scripture verses in Hebrews 10, Dave and Reb talk about the importance of encouraging one another in regular financial dates or what are also called regular money meetings. On today’s episode of “Let’s Talk Money with Dave and Reb”, the co-hosts encourage listeners to “not forsake” the money meetings that bring awareness and build trust, and consequently bring encouragement to stay on the good stewardship track of managing God’s resources. To hear their conversation, tune in to today's show which is sponsored by More Than Enough Financial - a financial coaching, tax, and mortgage company empowering people to effectively manage their finances, while finding hope and financial freedom one day at a time. To order Reb's e-book, audio book, or soft-cover copy of Cultivating Trust: Finding God's Hope and Freedom for Your Finances, go to morethanenoughbooks.com. To access a book referenced in today’s show go to: shaunti.com.
11-04-22 Financial Dates - Part 1
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- Category: Let’s Talk Money with Dave and Reb
- Published: Friday, 04 November 2022 09:00
We are talking about talking about money again! On today's episode of "Let's Talk Money with Dave and Reb", the co-hosts talk about the not-so-favourite topic of talking about money and having financial dates. But it is so important to financial wellness, that Dave and Reb want to talk to listeners about it. Again! The financial date is an intentional time either with yourself, with your partner, or with a trusted friend, where you look at where you are at in your finances, and plan for where you are going. To hear their conversation, tune in to today's show which is sponsored by More Than Enough Financial - a financial coaching, tax, and mortgage company empowering people to effectively manage their finances, while finding hope and financial freedom one day at a time. To order Reb's e-book, audio book, or soft-cover copy of Cultivating Trust: Finding God's Hope and Freedom for Your Finances, go to morethanenoughbooks.com.
10-28-22 Financial Litmus Tests
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- Category: Let’s Talk Money with Dave and Reb
- Published: Friday, 28 October 2022 09:00
“A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.” This is what God tells us in the book of Proverbs chapter 22 in verse 3, and on "Let's Talk Money with Dave and Reb", the co-hosts talk about being the “prudent person” and preparing financially for the days ahead. On today's episode, they discuss the financial litmus tests that can help us in our preparations, including the status of our emergency cushions and credit card debts, and the levels of our giving and our peace. To hear their conversation, tune in to today's show which is sponsored by More Than Enough Financial - a financial coaching, tax, and mortgage company empowering people to effectively manage their finances, while finding hope and financial freedom one day at a time. To order Reb's e-book, audio book, or soft-cover copy of Cultivating Trust: Finding God's Hope and Freedom for Your Finances, go to morethanenoughbooks.com.
10-21-22 Mindful in the Days Ahead with Rev. Ray Borg
- Details
- Category: Let’s Talk Money with Dave and Reb
- Published: Friday, 21 October 2022 09:00
Today on "Let's Talk Money with Dave and Reb", regular guest Rev. Ray Borg shares a beautiful analogy to encourage listeners to persevere, work as a team, and listen to the trusting and loving voice of God. In the uncertainty and fears facing people during this season, many don't know where to turn, especially for financial advice. Dave and Reb remind people this isn't a time to bury your head or focus on past mistakes, but to develop anchoring spiritual and financial disciplines to navigate the days ahead. To hear their conversation, tune in to today's show which is sponsored by More Than Enough Financial - a financial coaching, tax, and mortgage company empowering people to effectively manage their finances, while finding hope and financial freedom one day at a time. To order Reb's e-book, audio book, or soft-cover copy of Cultivating Trust: Finding God's Hope and Freedom for Your Finances, go to morethanenoughbooks.com.