Family Radio CHRI


Explore Lusk Cave In Gatineau


Are you looking for a new adventure in this last month of summer? Look no further than Lusk Cave in Quebec! This historic cave is in the Philippe Lake area, about five kilometres from Parent Beach. It is an easy hike along trails dotted with interpretation panels. The 10-kilometre round trip takes about four hours to walk.



What is Lusk Cave?

During the Ice Age, Canada went through four major glaciations. The last, the Wisconsin Glaciation, saw ice forming over almost all of Canada and as far as the state of Wisconsin in the United States. When the Wisconsin Glacier melted, water trapped under the melting glacier was forced into cracks in the rocks. The marble of Lusk Cave eroded more quickly than surrounding rocks, causing a series of tunnels to form. Since then, the Lusk Stream has continued to shape the cave.

In the cave itself, water levels can be as high as a metre or more. An extra pair of shoes, flashlight and safety helmet are recommended. Sandals and rubber boots are not recommended footwear.

Are you worried about what you might encounter in the cave? You are unlikely to find any wildlife in the cave other than insects, frogs and a few fish in the stream — although a beaver did take up residence one summer!

Have fun on this unique, exciting adventure right in the National Capital Region! 

More info on Lusk Cave, here.

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