Family Radio CHRI


5 Ways to Make Someone Feel Special this Summer


We all want to feel like we are important to someone. Knowing that we are valued and appreciated keeps our spirits lifted, and inspires us to continue spreading love and hope to others. How can you be a light in someone's life and make them feel special this summer?

Read more for 5 ways you can make someone feel special. 

  1. Mail someone a card
    Remember when sending a letter in the mail was the *only* way to write to someone? Heading to the post office was a a regular endeavour. Well, of course, time's have changed, and digital communication is now the most efficient way to communicate with our friends and family. But, this has only made hand written mail all the more special as a way to communicate with people. Surprise someone you care about this summer by sending them a lovely hand written letter or card.
  2. Surprise a neighbour or loved one with a home-cooked meal
    Even though summer is right around the corner, most of us are still busy with our jobs, taking care of family, housework, and all of the other responsibilities don't go away just because the weather is getting warmer. Surprise one of your overworked neighbours or a loved one by making and delivering them a home cooked meal (or a treat!). 
  3. Send someone a random text of gratitude
    Have you ever been the recipient of a random text from a friend or family member with no other purpose than to tell you how much you mean to them? If so, then you know the feeling. Sending a simple text (or phone call!) expressing gratitude is a small act of kindness that can make a big difference in someone's day... and when God puts someone on your heart, there may be a reason!
  4. Help someone with their yard work
    Some people get excited for summer because they get to make the garden of their dreams come to life. Others, do yard work simply to maintain a presentable lawn and keep the weeds from taking over. Either way - it has to get done. Offer to take some of the load off a neighbour or friend by doing some of the "chores" for them, or go join them outside. Not only will you be doing a huge favour, but you might get to spend quality time with that person all day. 
  5. Invite someone to try a new activity or hobby with you
    Do you know someone who spends almost all of their time either working or giving of themselves, without setting time aside for their own leisure? Encourage them to invest some time into their own enjoyment and your relationship with them, by inviting them to try a new activity with you. A few ideas: Nature walks, Bike Days on the Ottawa-Gatineau parkways, share a plot in a Community Garden, play tennis, or once restrictions are lifted, try paddle boarding or kayaking at Dow's Lake.

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