Family Radio CHRI


Miners & the Jesus T-shirts

Over the weekend I came across an incredible story about the Chilean miners. As they ascended from the mine, many of them wore tan t-shirts with a Jesus Film logo on the sleeve. The story:

Seventeen days into the mine accident, Campus Crusade for Christ International country director for Chile, Christian Maureira, started contacting public officials to see if they could send the miners a copy of the The Jesus Film Project. The film explains the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. CCCI was able to reach a daughter and a brother of trapped miner, Jose Henriquez.

Through that family contact, the group was able to send an MP3 audio version of the Jesus film and an MP3 audio version of the New Testament in Spanish into the mine.

The article reports that it's possible the miners saw the resurrection story as a parallel for their hoped-for rescue. Jose Henriquez passed along a letter to CCCI's Maureira from inside the mine:
Thank you for this tremendous blessing for me and my coworkers. It will be good for our spiritual edification. I am fine because Christ lives in me. We have prayer services at 12 noon and 6 pm.

In the letter, he quoted Psalm 95:4: "In His hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to Him."

The T-shirts were a gift from Campus Crusade for Christ Chile. In the front you can read, 'Gracias Senor' – 'Thank you Lord.' And on the back, Psalm 95:4.

Way to go CCCI and Maureira for using a dark situation to show the hope of Christ!

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