Family Radio CHRI

10-22-14 - The Controlling Husband

For wives of controlling husbands, do you feel trapped, helpless, stuck in a situation with no solution and no way out? Click here for Brock's interview with Dr. Ron Welch, author of "The Controlling Husband: What Every Woman Needs to Know" from this week's Wednesday Bookmark!


Click here for more details and to purchase this book online.

Have you ever thought or spoken these words?

"I can't live this way anymore."
"I've given up trying to change him."
"I can't ever be good enough."
"He won't listen to me anyway."

Do you feel trapped, helpless, stuck in a situation with no solution and no way out?

As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Ron Welch has heard many women in controlling marriages pour out their hearts. As a recovering controlling husband himself, he understands both sides of the issue. In this candid book, Welch shows how controlling husbands develop and why women sometimes allow themselves to be controlled, then gives practical strategies to help both husband and wife transform the power and control issues in their marriage.

Remember--just because "he's always been this way" doesn't mean your marriage must be that way forever. There is hope and healing for you and your family.

About the Author

Dr. Ron Welch (PsyD, Central Michigan University) serves on the faculty of Denver Seminary. Welch has over twenty years of experience in clinical psychology and has extensive experience working with couples and with men with narcissistic and antisocial personality styles. He has developed the Transformational Marriage™ approach, which helps couples through counseling, seminars, and publications. He and his wife, Jan, have walked the road of a controlling marriage personally and live in Colorado.




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