Family Radio CHRI

The Best Places for Stargazing in Ontario

skyviewThe beauty and mystery of a sky full of stars makes stargazing one of the most mesmerizing and humbling experiences we can enjoy. Our universe is full of wonder, and understanding more about the things outside of our planet can be a very humbling experience and lead to a deeper appreciation for God's creation. 

Thankfully, in Ontario we have many parks and areas of land outside of the big city lights, that make for a great stargazing experience. has put together an article of all the top places in Canada with the darkest night skies best for stargazing.

There is also an app called Skyview, available on both Apple (Apple SkyView Lite [Free] or Apple SkyView [$2.79]) and Android (Google SkyView Lite [Free] or Google SkyView [2.79]), that allows you to simply point your camera up to the sky and spot all of the constellations, galaxies, and other celestial objects directly above you, with precision!

We hope you take an opportunity this summer, when the sky is clear and the air is warm, to spend an hour or two stargazing!

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