Family Radio CHRI

From Our Family to Yours


Please take a moment to read this letter from the CHRI team and consider supporting the radio ministry this Christmas.

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December 2016

John 1:14 NLT
“The Word gave life to everything that was created and His life brought light to everyone.”

Together with you, CHRI continues to bring His Light to everyone who is ready to receive it.
There’s ‘Cat’ on the west coast who is fighting cancer and listens online to keep her focused on God’s amazing love; Mussarat in Pakistan reaching out to CHRI and praying for work in her profession; Seth crying powerfully with God while listening in his car; Rhonda thankful for being lifted up on her down days if she can just hear the station; and Cheryl in St. John’s thankful for the lifeline your radio station CHRI gives her. Because of your support “The Reason for the Season” comes through the airwaves all over this region and beyond all year round.

Your donation, a precious gift given through CHRI to people all over the Ottawa-Gatineau region is daily impacting the lives of many people. There are so many people and so many stories we’ll never know because radio is free and yet it reaches out to wherever we are spiritually, physically or geographically.

Please pray about your special Christmas offering to CHRI this Christmas and join us in celebrating the coming of the one who “gave life to everything”, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Then, our prayer is that your gift will come through in a song or a teaching program straight to the heart of someone like Cheryl or Seth and take them one step closer to eternity.

Have a blessed and joyful Christmas from our family to yours, and while we pray for each other, let’s thank the Lord for all the ways we can share His light.

Merry Christmas,
from Bill Stevens, General Manager, our volunteer Board of Directors, volunteers and staff.

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