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06-29-16 - BEST OF: How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird

smart_moneyHow can we love people we don't even know? Click here for Brock's interview with Amy Lively, author of "How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird" on this week's "Best of the Wednesday Bookmark", brought to you by!


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"I want to love my neighbor, but I don't know how."

Most of us feel guilty about Christ's command to love our neighbor, but let's be honest--we don't even know most of the people living around us.

How can we love people we don't even know? Besides, doesn't it count as "loving our neighbor" when we send money to missionaries and put out yard signs for our church? Are we supposed to just knock on our neighbors' doors and tell them about Jesus?

"They'll think I'm weird."

How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird helps you overcome fears about getting to know your neighbors and sharing your faith. You'll learn simple, practical ways to get to know your neighbors, using your God-given personality. As you venture out of the comfort of your living room and into the lives of your neighbors, you'll form authentic friendships, create a safer community, and find fulfillment in obeying Christ's #2 command

About the Author

Amy Lively is a writer and speaker who provides tips, tools, and teaching about loving our neighbors without being weird, offensive, or pushy. Amy draws from her own experience knocking on her neighbors' doors and leading a women's neighborhood Bible study, which grew into an international ministry called The Neighborhood Cafe. She is passionate about helping people identify their unique ministry gifts and use them in their community. Amy, her husband, and their daughter live in Lancaster, Ohio, with a holy dog and an unsaintly cat.

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