Family Radio CHRI

ALIVE (Natalie Grant)

On Friday, Jesus Christ bore the sin of the world and died on a cross to save us... His followers were left with no leader and no hope. But 3 days later, the stone was rolled away and his tomb found empty. Death has lost and LOVE is victorious! He is Risen!

Take time this weekend to reflect on how relevent this sacrifice is today. He is Risen indeed!

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Praying for Rock the River!

rocktheriver_thmb2Last night I was at the National House of Prayer for a prayer strategy meeting for Rock the River (Sept 29 and 30) in Ottawa.  The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada has said, RtR is the largest Evangelical outreach event in Canada this year and it’s happening in our backyard!  Wow!  As we know, this is also a call to pray, pray and pray!

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The Vow ... Christian?

vowAt church yesterday, the lay leader who was delivering the message, Shannon, showed a clip from an interview with the couple who's story inspired The Vow. I had been wondering over this past week why some Christian media websites that I follow had been promoting the film.. was the movie starring Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams a 'faith-film'?? Add a comment

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Defending Dignity

defend_dignityLast Thursday I had the chance to hear about another amazing anti-human trafficking organization, Defend Dignity, that was birthed in Regina, Saskatchewan by Glendyne Garrard. Defend Dignity was in Ottawa with the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada to speak with MP's about prostitution and human trafficking laws in Canada.

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Ash Wednesday

The season of Lent starts today.  I didn’t grow up in a Christian home {praise God that my entire immediate family is now Christian!} so the practice of Lent was never discussed.  I’ve been following Christ for 4 ½ years & I am now just starting to understand the importance & excitement of Lent.  It gives our hearts and minds 40 days to prepare for Easter and when Easter comes we are ready to celebrate!

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On Being Content

Alice-Herz-SommerWhat is the secret to happiness? Is being content a trait you are born with or a skill you can develop over the years? I like to believe it is a mindset we chose to believe every day. For me contentment doesn't always come naturally, I'd say I'm there 60% of the time and the other 40% I'm looking for the next best thing.

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Fighting For Freedom

freedom_fighterYesterday Bill, Denise, Caroline & I spent the evening in the beautiful old Ottawa railway station, high vaulted ceilings, beautiful architecture and a feeling of tranquility meet you when you enter the building from Rideau Street and out of the bustle of Ottawa's Winterlude.  Yet, what we witnessed and heard yesterday evening did not paint a tranquil picture of our world. We gathered with 100 other religious leaders, Members of Parliament and media to watch a screening of the new documentary "Freedom Fighter" created by One Free World International.
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Kindergarten Registration Week

kindergartenRegistration for kindergarten at Ottawa's public schools begins today. (Jan. 30-Feb. 3) Parents of four and five-year-olds can register their children for full-day kindergarten.
'Read more' for information on Christian School registrations as well!
The Learning Partnership provides these Top tips for early learning and a successful transition into Kindergarten...



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How Great Is Our God - World Edition

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Spoken Word: Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus

A powerful piece of poetry that has left me feeling challenged.


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