Family Radio CHRI

Exit The Cave

exitthecave 330Sometimes the greatest gift you can receive is for your life to fall apart. After years stuck in a painful cycle fueled by past abuse and ongoing addiction, actor, artist, and director Blaine Hogan finally hit rock bottom. REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Blaine.

Purchase Exit The Cave, here.

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Acrostic of Scripture: A Rhyming Biblical Theology for Kids

acrosticofscripture 330The Acrostic of Scripture gives parents and teachers a unique way to teach theology to children and makes catechism fun! REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Timothy Brindle.

Purchase The Acrostic of Scripture, here.

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Love, Pray, Listen

lovepraylisten 330What do I do when my kids make choices that don't align with my values? How do I keep communication lines open with my grown children? When do I speak, and when do I listen? If you are a parent of adult children, these are questions you may have. Replay Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Mary DeMuth.

Purchase Love, Pray, Listen, here.

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I Like Feeling Small

ilikefeelingsmall 330I Like Feeling Small reminds us that feeling small in the arms of a great big God can be a beautifully comforting thing. REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with local author Jearim Woodall.

Purchase I Like Feeling Small.

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Soul Care To Save Your Life

soulcaretosaveyourlife 330Does your life feel like a never-ending performance? It's time to drop the façade of the picture-perfect life and instead get radically honest in order to heal and embrace the confidence that comes from knowing and loving your whole self. Replay Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Manda Carpenter.

Purchase Soul Care To Save Your Life, here.

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Saving Your Church from Itself

savingyourchurchfromitself 330Negative consequences can occur when a team member begins to drift from the vision of the church and the leader they serve. But the good news is, these situations never come out of left field. Replay Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Chris Sonksen.

Purchase Saving Your Church from Itself, here.

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God's Signpost: How Marriage Points Us to God's Love

godssignpost 330What is marriage? Is it sharing a home? Is it being in love? Is it a promise? Author Sam Allberry shows us that marriage is much more than these things. Join siblings Lila and Ethan as they celebrate their grandparents’ wedding anniversary and discover that marriage is a special sign that points to God’s unique love for us―the kind of love that keeps on going, no matter what. REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Sam Allberry. 

Pre-order God's Signpost, here.

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unbelievable 330How has ten years of discussions with atheists affected this author and radio presenter's faith? REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Justin Brierley.

Purchase Unbelievable?, here.

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The Really Radical Book for Kids

radicalbookforkids 330An exciting dive into the roots of the Christian faith, designed to grab the attention and spark curiosity for ages 8 and up. Featuring history, facts, activities, graphics, stories and more, all to help us know the "radical" love of God. REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with author Champ Thornton. 

Pre-order The Really Radical Book for Kids, here.

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Turn Toward The Sun

turntowardthesun 330If recent world events have taught us anything, it's that life doesn't always look the way we want it to look. And while we can't control the curveballs life throws at us, we can control our response to them. Replay Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Mandy Hale.

Purchase Turn Toward The Sun, here.

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Shawn and His Amazing Shrinking Sister

shawnshrinkingsister 330All parents would like their children to tease less and be kinder to one another, but may not notice they do the same thing. Shawn and His Amazing Shrinking Sister gives parents guidance for ending teasing while teaching children how to build one another up. REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Ginger Hubbard. 

Purchase Shawn and His Amazing Shrinking Sister, here.

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