Family Radio CHRI

The Wednesday Bookmark

Discover new books each Wednesday

9:00am EST on the Morning Express, Brock Tozer will highlight a new non-fiction title
4:30pm EST on the Home Stretch, Care Baldwin will share something new for kids, youth, or young adults.

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God's Little Astronomer

bookmark godslittleastronomerBlast off to space and discover how every part of the universe—the planets, the stars, asteroids, meteoroids, and more—display God’s glory, creativity, and, most important, his love for you and me!

REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Tina Cho.

Purchase God's Little Astronomerhere.

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He Knows Your Name: How 7 Nameless Women of the Bible Reveal Christ's Love for You

bookmark heknowsyourname 330Paige Allen invites you to take a second look at the life-changing encounters of seven unnamed women who came face-to-face with Jesus in the Bible. Weaving personal stories with timeless biblical truths, Paige shows how just one encounter with the love of Jesus empowers you.

REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Paige Allen.

Purchase He Knows Your Namehere.

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Unfractured: A Christ-Centered Action Plan for Cultural Change

bookmark unfractured 330 We're often left in dead-end debates on racial tensions, foolishly expecting solutions from a culture obsessed with canceling and dividing. But what if the church could create a more effective dialogue?

REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Skot Welch.

Purchase Unfracturedhere.

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The Elisha Code and the Coming Revival: Rediscovering Jesus' Blueprint for Renewal

bookmark theelishacode 330Is there a "hidden code" to the Bible? A code hidden in plain sight-we have been missing for generations?

REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with David Kitz.

Purchase The Elisha Code and the Coming Revivalhere.

As an Amazon Associate, CHRI earns from qualifying purchases.

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You Come from Greatness: A Celebration of Black History

bookmark youcomefromgreatness 330A young boy learns that he is walking in the footsteps of greatness through a vibrant, lyrical retelling of Black history—both a love letter to Black children and an anthem empowering them to know their God-given worth.

REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Sara Chinakwe.

Purchase You Come From Greatnesshere.

As an Amazon Associate, CHRI earns from qualifying purchases.

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