Family Radio CHRI

Timeless Tools of Family Peace

familyshaped morland 330Transforming your family legacy can start with you. Read more for Brock's non-fiction Wednesday Bookmark interview with author Gary Morland.

Purchase "A Family Shaped by Grace: How to Get Along with the People Who Matter Most" online at

(originally aired September 27, 2017)


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Book Description: As a teenager, Gary Morland lived in an unhappy, dysfunctional family characterized by addiction and disharmony. When he started a family of his own, he brought with him those same destructive patterns. Yet he sensed there must be a way to have a family shaped by acceptance and grace, a family that was loving, whole, and at peace with one another. The problem was, he didn't know how.

In this life-giving book, Morland shares his journey of discovering the timeless tools of family peace that will help you . . .
- break unhealthy relationship patterns
- save your family relationships
- learn how to generously offer grace to the people who matter most in your life
This book will transform your family culture and your family legacy--starting with yourself.

About the Author: Gary Morland is a professional communicator with more than thirty years of radio experience sharing his own life story and helping others share theirs. As a twenty-five-year sober alcoholic, he describes himself as "a guy who should have died but didn't, with a wife who should have left but stayed." If anyone knows the power of grace and forgiveness, it's Gary. He and his wife, Brenda, are the parents of authors Emily P. Freeman and Myquillyn Smith (The Nester). They live in North Carolina.

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