Family Radio CHRI

BEST OF: The Looney Experiment

An engaging novel for kids in grade 5-8 that will help them find their voice, grow into their name, and discover courage in unexpected places. Click here to hear more about the underdog Atticus and his wacky teacher Mr. Looney in Care Baldwin's interview with Luke Reynolds, author of  "The Looney Experiment" on this week's Best of the Youth Wednesday Bookmark, brought to you by

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Atticus Hobart couldn’t feel lower. He’s in love with a girl who doesn’t know he exists, he is the class bully’s personal punching bag, and to top it all off, his dad has just left the family. Into this drama steps Mr. Looney, a 77-year-old substitute English teacher with uncanny insight and a most unconventional approach to teaching. But Atticus soon discovers there’s more to Mr. Looney’s methods than he’d first thought. And as Atticus begins to unlock the truths within his own name, he finds that his hyper-imagination can help him forge his own voice, and maybe—just maybe—discover that the power to face his problems was inside him all along.

About the Author:

Luke Reynolds currently teaches 7th grade English in the public school system in Harvard, Massachusetts. He and his wife, Jennifer, have two young boys and a young dog who is intent on waking up those young boys as often as possible. Luke is a lover of writing, running, pancakes, hiking, and all things goofy. His website is, and he blogs at One of his favorite quotes is: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is engaged in a battle." -Philo

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