Family Radio CHRI

12-02-15 - M is for Manger

girls_guideTravel through the alphabet with this beautiful rhyming storybook that tells the story of Jesus’ birth. Click here to listen back to Care's Baldwin's interview with Crystal Bowman co-author of "M is for Manger" on this week's [Christmas] Kids Wednesday Bookmark, brought to you by!


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Travel through the alphabet with this beautiful rhyming storybook that tells the story of Jesus’ birth. Begin with the angel who tells Mary that she is God’s chosen vessel and follow along until you reach the zillions of stars that paled in comparison to the star that announced the birthplace of the newborn King. Beautifully illustrated and written, this book will be a classic for parents to read to their children every Christmas season.

Sneak peek:
Mary gently wrapped her son,
then rested in the shed.
She placed the newborn Savior
in a MANGER for his bed.


About the Author

Crystal Bowman is a former preschool teacher, author, and speaker. She graduated from Calvin College with a degree in elementary education and studied early childhood development at the University of Michigan. Crystal and her husband, Bob, have enjoyed 38 years of marriage and are the parents of 3 grown children and 1 grandchild. They live in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

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