05-08-13 - The Cinderella Rule
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- Category: Authors
- Published: Monday, 06 May 2013 09:00

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Discover the rewards in store for those who patiently wait on the Lord for His purpose and plan.
Our world glorifies teen pregnancy, premarital sex and the role of domineering females. Girls are sexting, experimenting and initiating relationships. For young women this world is not only perilous, but deeply frustrating and disappointing.
The Cinderella Rule encourages young women to understand that God created them to be His crowning achievement and teaches them to insist that the guys in their life treat them as such. While it is fun to be pursued, readers will take an in-depth look at how young women should act when the guy worth pursuing them shows up.
When young women understand who God created them to be, they understand more fully the confidence they need to set higher standards for themselves as well as the wonderful rewards in store for those who patiently wait on the Lord for His purpose and plan.
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