Family Radio CHRI

12-01-10 - World Aids Day Interview

Donald-E-MesserWednesday, December 1st is World Aids Day.  An annual day dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection.  Listen to Brock interview with Donald E. Messer, author of "Names, Not Just Numbers Facing Global AIDS and World Hunger".


Exposing a tragic and ongoing crisis of humanity, this moving book presents the faces and stories of people struggling to conquer hunger and disease. Urging all of us to stop turning a blind eye, "Names, Not Just Numbers" reveals the stark statistical and political realities of the global AIDS epidemic and world hunger.

Donald E. Messer is an educator, author, civil rights activist, and United Methodist clergyman recognized worldwide for his humanitarian service combating world hunger and HIV/AIDS. He is the author of fifteen books, including Ending Hunger Now, which he co-authored with former senators George McGovern and Bob Dole.

Win a copy of "Names, Not Just Numbers" after Brock's interview and during Wednesday's Home Stretch show with Care.  

Click here to purchase the book online.

Visit Donald E. Messer's website at


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