11-03-10 - The Outsider Interviews
- Details
- Category: Authors
- Published: Monday, 01 November 2010 15:48

Click here to listen to Brock's interview with Craig Spinks co-author of "The Outsider Interviews", on this week's 9:00am Wednesday Bookmark, brought to you by Salem Storehouse!

Statistics tell us that Christianity has an image problem. But what are the stories behind the stats? This question led Jim Henderson, Todd Hunter, and Craig Spinks to host a national interview tour with young non-christians and Christians in Kansas City, Phoenix, Denver and Seattle. They wanted to hear why Christians get such a bad rap and what we can do to improve. The Outsider Interviews is a DVB, a book you can watch. This DVD/Book combination features films of the interviews, humourous and moving outtakes, and engagig chapters on a broad range of relevant topics including postmordernism, the Bible, homosexuality, judgmentalism, abortion, and evangelism.