Family Radio CHRI

Featured Events

Join a National Movement of Generosity

Untitled design - 2023-05-04T124328.953.pngEach year, churches across Canada bless and love their neighbourhoods through a day of giving extravagantly where EVERYTHING IS FREE!

The Big Give is run by volunteers who are fueled by a passion to love their communities and draw them into relationship with Jesus. 

WHEN: Saturday June 3rd, 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.

Whether you are a small church or a large one - this event will help you build a bridge to your community and show them the unconditional love of Jesus in a tangible way. Your involvement in this "all free" event can be tailored for your specific community and, at the same time, you are still part of a larger national outreach having a combined heart that is passionately touching people in every neighbourhood in our great country.

CLICK HERE for The Big Give website, to learn more and to register your church.




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