Family Radio CHRI

SHARATHON 2015 - Grand Prize

This SHARATHON, enter to WIN hourly prizes PLUS one name per household will be entered into the Grand Prize draw for a trip for 2 to The Holy Land with Chuck Swindoll of Insight for living!

'Read more' for contest rules and trip details.

What is Sharathon? Find out here.


Connect your faith today with the depth and power of the Christian story! Click here for complete trip details and the itinerary.



Trip dates: March 6 – 17, 2016 (flight from Ottawa included)

- Tel Aviv, the first modern city built in Israel
- Jezreel Valley
- Tiberias, a resort community that was once the largest city in Galilee
- Galilee
- Lower Jordan River Valley
- Jerusalem
- Dead Sea Region
…and more! with MANY sights and landmarks.

Valued at over $10,000!


Make a Pre-Sharathon donation and get in the draw early! Call 866-247-1440 extension 12 any time (you can leave a voicemail with your name, phone #, and someone will return your call before Sharathon)

NOTE: No minimun donation required. One ballot per household (for hourly prizes as well as Grand Prize). Enter for the Grand Prize before the end of Sharathon (9:00pm ET on Thursday, September 24th). Must be 18-years or older. See CHRI General Contest Rules here.


You can hear Chuck Swindoll on Insight for Living on CHRI weekdays at 1:00pm.




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