Family Radio CHRI

Always remember that you are absolutely unique, just like everyone else.

MondayMotivation 330Every Monday at 5:00 P.M. ET, Care Baldwin shares a Monday Motivation quote along with a message to encourage you in your life and faith. This week, she shares a quote encouraging us to embrace our uniqueness!

"Always remember that you are absolutely unique, just like everyone else."

Read more for the audio replay + transcript of Care's message!



“Always remember that you are absolutely unique, just like everyone else.”
I love this one! But it’s true! I really love that God made us all different! When you’re a kid, you just want to be like everyone else, and that's not the message I want my kids to believe. We were each made with unique gifts, talents and abilities and I see that and recognize it all around me. When I meet someone who is a personal support worker: they have the kind of patience I don't possess; The one holding the stop sign at a construction site in the pouring rain, the pastor, dishwasher, Factory line worker, child care provider... the list goes on! I just totally recognize that we all have something to contribute. And though there may be days where you feel like what you're doing is less significant, I'm grateful for you! We need who you are and the skills you possess. YOU help keep this world functioning. We need each other. That is totally why God designed us each uniquely! Happy Monday!

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