Family Radio CHRI

Care Baldwin—Finding Peace this Advent Season

Advent2021 Care 330 2The angels proclaimed “Peace on Earth” when the Baby Jesus was born. But how do we find peace today despite the dark, scary world around us? We all need two kinds of peace in our lives: Inner peace and peace with others... And God can give us both.

As someone who enjoys being busy, making plans, and filling the holiday season with festive activities and DIY projects, this year will look a little different for me... and I'm actually looking forward to it!

Preparing for the arrival of a new baby over Christmas has reminded (... Ok, forced) me to rest. There are clothes to sort, work to complete, appointments to attend, freezer meals to plan, so it's anything less than restful! But I am intentionally trying to keep a calm and peaceful December in anticipation of the chaos that is to come. I can't help but imagine what Mary and Joseph felt when they frantically searched for a place to deliver The Saviour in a year of crisis and unrest. We, too, are living in crazy times... but it almost pales in comparison to the census and rule of King Herod, doesn't it?
Yet finding inner peace through our most hectic and uncertain seasons is so important.
As I reflect on Peace, I have come to learn (not without being stretched beyond my comfort) that Peace from God allows us to trust in God's promises and rest in His goodness and faithfulness. Like Mary and Joseph, it allows us to see purpose in the struggle, find comfort in the disorder, and feel calm in the chaos. I believe it also allows us to be present in every moment.

When you hear the story of Jesus' birth told, in the moments after, there is calm and peace. That is what I'm seeking this Christmas. And although it's not likely my home will be "calm" with a newborn, toddler, dog, and visits from family, I can choose to rest in the Peace knowing that a child is born, who will make our lives - and the world we live in - better.

Isaiah 9:6-7
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of his government and peace, there will be no end.

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