Family Radio CHRI

Interview: Samaritan's Purse Gift Catalog

samaritan_purseListen to Brock's interview with Frank King, Manager of Communications for Samaritan's Purse Canada, as they discuss the new 2012 gift catalogue.  Click here to view the catalog online


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Interview with Gospel for Asia V.P.


Care Baldwin spoke with Pastor Daniel Punnose, Vice President of Gospel for Asia, on this year's Critter Campaign and how you can help the forgotten people in South Asia.
Here is the interview (extended version):

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Interview with Wendy Turpin, City Kidz Ottawa

city_kidz_100Care Baldwin interviews City Kidz Ottawa Coordinator Wendy Turpin about how City Kidz Ministry is impacting children living in low-income communities in Ottawa by providing them with fun and inspirational experiences:  

Click here for details about the Dream Banquet on November 8th, 2012.
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Care interviews Franklin Graham

franklin_grahamCare Baldwin interviews evangelist Franklin Graham, Son of Reverend Billy Graham, and CEO of both the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association AND Samaritan's Purse. Mr. Graham will be in Ottawa this Saturday and Sunday delivering the gospel message from stage at Rock the River Ottawa

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Interview with Brian McConaghy, Founder of Ratanak International

ratanak_intListen to Ashley Elliott's interview with Brian McConaghy, Founding Director of Ratanak International, a Christian organization that works in Cambodia rescuing children from sexual slavery and providing them with education, rehabilitation, and safety.  Brian is speaking in Ottawa at “Be The Change” this Thursday, September 27th.  Click here for event details.


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Interview with Comedian Ken Davis

ken_davisListen to Brock interview with comedian Ken Davis about his new book and DVD "Fully Alive".   Hear the story that changed Ken's life and how he has now truly begun to live to the fullest.  A guaranteed laugh!  Click here for details on how you can win a copy of Ken's new book and DVD all this week (July 16-20, 2012).


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Interview with Allen Macartney

allen_macartneyListen to Brock's interview with Ottawa Adventurer Allen Macartney and learn about Allen's plans for his 8 week solo canoe trip in the Yukon tracing the Klondike Gold Rush.  You can follow Allen's adventure at
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Interview: World Vision Canada End Child Slavery

world_visionListen to Ashley's interview with Cheryl Hotchkiss, World Vision Canada's End Child Slavery Campaign Manager.

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Dave Ingram, Director of Ministry, Billy Graham Assn. Canada

rocktheriver_thmb2Brock Tozer and Dave Ingram from the Billy Graham Assn. Canada discuss the upcoming Rock the River Christian Life & Witness Courses that are taking place in Ottawa May 22-June 9.  The course is free and no registration is necessary.  Click here for more information, including dates and locations.

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Interview with Cary Vaughn, CEO LWF

cary_vaughnListen to Care Baldwin's interview with Cary Vaughn, the new CEO of Love Worth Finding Ministries.
(4:45pm EST on Tuesday, May 15th)

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Rev. Jamie McIntosh, International Justice Mission Canada

justice_summit_posterListen to Brock's interview with Rev. Jamie McIntosh, Founder and Executive Director of International Justice Mission Canada.  They discuss what we can expect at the Justice Summit this Saturday, where Jamie McIntosh will be speaking on how you can combat modern day slavery and the work IJM is doing to fight human trafficking around the world.  

Click here for Justice Summit details and registration Add a comment

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