Family Radio CHRI

The Wednesday Bookmark

Discover new books each Wednesday

9:00am EST on the Morning Express, Brock Tozer will highlight a new non-fiction title
4:30pm EST on the Home Stretch, Care Baldwin will share something new for kids, youth, or young adults.

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What Color Is God's Love?

bookmark whatcolorisgodslovInvite the young reader in your life to discover all the ways God’s love can be displayed through a rainbow of colors!

REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Xochitl Dixon.

Purchase What Color Is God's Love?here.

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Science and Faith in Harmony: Contemplations on a Distilled Doxology

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The idea that Christianity and science are inextricably in conflict is a relatively recent conception. However, with each new scientific discovery and scriptural insight, it's an idea that's being proved to be insupportable.

REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Sy Garte.

Purchase Science and Faith in Harmonyhere.

As an Amazon Associate, CHRI earns from qualifying purchases.

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Bible Verses to Remember (3 books)

bookmark bibleversestoremember 330Sally Michael helps parents, teachers, and caregivers to instruct the mind, engage the heart, and influence the will of children as they learn a new Scripture.

Read more for Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Sally.

Purchase Bible Verses to Rememberhere.

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Found: Discover the Power of Your True Identity

bookmark found 330

What was lost in the garden is found in Jesus. Discover how to live loved and live free, because that is who you are!

REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Lorie Hartshorn.

Purchase Foundhere.

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The Story of the First Easter Bunny

bookmark thestoryofthefirsteasterbunny 330At a time when the profound significance of Easter is often overshadowed by commercialism, The Story of the First Easter Bunny is a refreshing and heartwarming reminder of the true meaning of this most holy of Christian holidays.

REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Anthony DeStefano.

Purchase The Story of the First Easter Bunnyhere.

As an Amazon Associate, CHRI earns from qualifying purchases.

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